Political Union
National Self-Governance
(Voters Union)
Chapter I.
General provisions
1.1 Political Association of citizens "National Self-Governance (Voters Union)," abbreviated into "National Governance" (hereinafter the "Union"), is a voluntary and independent association founded on citizens’ common vision and organizational basis and registered in accordance with the Constitution of Georgia, the organic law of Georgia "On Political Associations of Citizens," which carries out its activities in conformity with the national legislation and this Charter.
1.2 The official full name of the Union shall be in the Georgian language – მოქალაქეთა პოლიტიკური გაერთიანება ,,ეროვნული თვითმმართველობა (ამომრჩეველთა კავშირი)“, შემოკლებით - ,,ეროვნული თვითმმართველობა”, and in English– Political Union of Citizens “National Self-Governance” (“Voters Union”), abbreviated into the “National Self-Governance”.
1.3 The Union is founded and will be guided by the following principles:
1.3.1 Voluntary entry into and leave of membership of the Union;
1.3.2 independence and self-governance;
1.3.3 electivity and accountability;
1.3.4 equality before the law;
1.3.5 publicity and transparency of activities;
1.4 The Union is a non-profit legal entity. The Union shall have an independent balance, round seal and stamp, settlement and other accounts within banking institutions. The Union shall have the right to acquire property and non-property rights, act as a plaintiff and respondent before the court.
1.5 The symbol of the Union shall be the contour of the map of Georgia in green on the white background with the inscription in Georgian: “National Self-Governance.”
1.6 The legal address of the Union shall be №73, Ek. Jughashvili Street, Gori, Georgia.
Chapter II.
Main Goals and objectives of the Union. The Union’s program
2.1 Strengthening the statehood of Georgia, ensuring its political, economic and energy independence, implementing a solid and secure development strategy;
2.2 Restoring the territorial integrity and ensuring its continuous protection in all circumstances;
2.3 Defining the national interests and priorities in all areas of public life and development of the country;
2.4 Formation and development of national self-government at all levels of the State’s governance – to ensure permanent involvement of voters in resolving issues of importance to the country, so that the nation, with the majority and by means of appropriate mechanisms, can decide who, when and what shall do to develop the country and pursue the national interests; consequently-
2.5 Implementation and improvement of the civil society;
2.6 Ensuring the compatibility and harmonization of human rights and freedoms with the historical, social-cultural, traditional, religious identity of the Georgian nation and their protection;
2.7 The Georgian Nation is a social, cultural, historical and political unity of people, which has changed and evolved in the course of the history and whose members are aware of their unity and common interests. Georgia is a multinational country. Our objective is to safeguard the interests of each ethnic group and address their life issues;
2.8 Accountable unification of the Georgian nation and ensuring solidarity in order to create a democratic society;
2.9 Consolidation of the efforts of persons and groups of persons, public and political organizations in Georgia and across the world who support and promote the Georgian statehood, culture, history, identity-defining traditions in pursuit and protection of Georgia's national interests;
2.10 Protection of the Georgian Language - the state language. To preserve the purity of the Georgian language and ensure its development;
2.11 Ensuring the development of every person based on high standard and quality of life;
2.12 Promoting demographic security;
2.13 Formation of the post-industrial society, establishing the knowledge-driven economy:
2.13.1 Making the most of the country's resources (human, natural, etc.) to maximize the economic potential and, as a result, to boost the country’s economy to enhance the quality of life and prosperity of the population;
2.13.2 Ensuring the competitiveness of goods and services manufactured in Georgia in domestic and international markets;
2.13.3 Development and promotion of the country's internal market;
2.13.4 Development and implementation of a plan for transforming the national currency - Georgian Lari - into a convertible currency;
2.13.5 Development and implementation of a long-term plan for achieving the positive balance of Georgia's foreign trade as one of the most important factors of macroeconomic parameters as well as for achieving national currency stability and convertibility;
2.13.6 Create and develop financial and economic instruments and institutions defining and regulating macroeconomic stability.
2.14 Introduction of reforms in all areas of the political, legal, economic, social and cultural life of the country in order to protect, implement and develop the national interests of the Georgian nation.
2.15 The Union shall carry out its activities pursuant to the legislation throughout the territory of Georgia.
Chapter III.
Membership of the Union
3.1 Any citizen of Georgia with the voting right who shares the principles laid down in the Union’s Charter and the program and wishes to participate in the activities of the Union can become a member of the Union.
3.2 The membership of the Union shall be confirmed by a certificate of the Union or a certificate issued by any relevant body of the Union certifying such membership;
3.3 Any person wishing to become a member of the Union shall submit a personal application to be approved by the Central Secretariat or the territorial organizations of the Union. To become a member of the Union:
a) Any citizen of Georgia shall fill in an application form on the website or in any territorial organization of the Union. The applicant, along with other information, shall specify in the application the name, surname and personal number of the member of the Union who he or she wishes to grant a rating point;
b) The completed application shall be first reviewed by the candidate receiving the rating point from the applicant and, if approved by such candidate, the application shall be reviewed by a relevant body of the Union;
c) Within no later than 60 calendar days from the date of filling out the application, the applicant shall be notified upon the final result.
3.4 The relevant bodies of the Union shall, within the timeframe not exceeding two months, consider the application for membership and send relevant documentation or refusal to the applicant. The refusal may be appealed before the Darbazi (Board) of the Union. The Darbazi shall consider the complaint at the nearest meeting;
3.5 Members of the Union shall have the right to:
3.5.1 participate in the activities of the Union;
3.5.2 take part in the internal elections of the party based on their rating point: a member with more than 100 rating points can be nominated or nominate candidates into the internal party elections for the management positions of the local representative and executive bodies of the Union, local self-government authorities of Georgia and other relevant agencies. The number of such candidates shall depend on how many 100 integers the member’s rating point can include; member with more than 200 rating points can be nominated or nominate candidates into the internal party elections for the management positions of the regional representative and executive bodies of the Union, self-government bodies of Georgia and other relevant agencies. The number of such candidates shall depend on how many 200 integers the member’s rating point can include; a member with more than 300 rating points can be nominated or nominate candidates into the internal party elections for the management positions of the higher representative and executive bodies of the Union and Georgia as well as other relevant agencies. The number of candidates shall depend on how many 300 integers the member’s rating point can include; The member nominating a candidate shall be responsible with his / her rating points for the activities of the nominated candidate after his or her election and approval. The degree and extent of the responsibility shall be determined by the Darbazi of the Union;
3.5.3 participate in considering and resolving any matter in the manner as prescribed by this Charter;
3.5.4 receive information on activities of the Union and its agencies;
3.5.5 use the property belonging to the Union in the manner as determined;
3.5.6 terminate his or her membership in the Union on the basis of an application;
3.5.7 leave the Union freely;
3.6 Members of the Union shall be obliged to:
3.6.1 take an active part in day-to-day activities of the Union;
3.6.2 enforce decisions taken by the governing bodies of the Union;
3.6.3 pay the membership fee;
3.7 Any issues of a disciplinary liability (warning, reprimand) of a member of the Union shall be reviewed by a relevant body of the Union (local, regional organization, Secretariat, Darbazi). A decision imposing the disciplinary liability on a member may be appealed before the Darbazi of the Union. Solely the Darbazi, upon the recommendation of a relevant body of the Union, shall be entitled to decide to terminate a member’s membership in the Union;
3.8 The Central Secretariat and territorial organizations of the Union shall register supporters of the Union. The registered supporters shall have the right to receive information on the activities of all bodies of the Union, the Union's program documents and legislative initiatives (proposals) as well as to participate in their elaboration and consideration.
Chapter IV.
Calculation (accumulation) of rating points
4.1 A member of the Union shall grant one rating point to any member (the "subject") of the Union. The consent thereupon shall be confirmed in writing in the application on the membership or other relevant documents, and 0,1 rating point shall be granted to a member of the Union receiving one rating point from the "subject";
4.2 A member of the Union may transfer his or her rating point to another “subject” of the Union based on a written application or withdraw it from the Union without granting it to any other subject. Accordingly, subjects receiving 0.1 rating point shall be changed;
4.3 Under a decision of the Darbazi of the Union, a member of the Union may grant or cancel a specific number of rating points given to any member for the participation or failure to participate in various activities.
4.3.1 Participation in a local event of the Union shall earn 0.1 points and the failure to participate in every two events shall decrease the points by 0.1 points.
4.3.2 Participation in regional events of the Union shall earn 0.2 points and the failure to participate in every four events shall decrease the points by 0.2.
4.3.3 Participation in republican events of the Union shall earn 0.3 points and the failure to participate in every ten events shall decrease the points by 0.3 points.
4.4 The Darbazi of the Union shall determine special rules for changing the rating points for specific events.
Chapter V.
Organizational structure
5.1 The supreme governing body of the Union shall be the Congress;
5.2 The highest management body of the Union in the intervals between the congresses shall be the “Union’s Darbazi"(Board) (hereinafter the "Darbazi");
5.3 The controlling body of the Union shall be the “Supervisory Committee of the Union” (hereinafter the “Committee");
5.4 The Union may set up departments within its structure. The decisions thereupon shall be rendered by the Darbazi. The departments of the Union shall operate on the basis of their own charters and programs unless they contradict the Union’s Charter and the program;
5.5 The youth, territorial and local (regional) organizations of the Union shall be established pursuant to a decision of the Darbazi;
5.6 The procedure for the creation, reorganization and liquidation of the departments, territorial and local organizations shall be developed by the Darbazi.
Chapter VI.
The Union’s executive and supervisory bodies
The procedure for their creation and term of office
6.1 The supreme governing body of the Union shall be the Congress, which shall be convened at least once in four years. Any ordinary meeting of the Congress of the Union shall be convened by the Chairperson of the Union.
6.2 The number of delegates (at least 300 delegates) to be summoned to the Congress and the procedure for their selection shall be approved by the Darbazi upon the Chairperson’s recommendation;
6.3 The Congress shall be authorized if more than half of the delegates are present and decisions shall be taken by the majority of votes;
6.4 The special powers of the Congress shall include adopting and introducing amendments to the Charter of the Union, electing the chairperson, executive secretary, deputy chairpersons, members of the executive and supervisory bodies of the Union upon the recommendation of the Darbazi, hearing reports of the Darbazi and Supervisory Committee, reorganizing and liquidating the Union as well as resolving the matters set forth by the Georgian legislation and this Charter;
6.5 An extraordinary meeting of the Congress shall be convened by the Chairperson of the Union on his or her initiative at the request of the Darbazi or one-third of the members of the Union;
6.6 The executive body of the Union shall be the Union’s “Darbazi”, which is elected by the Congress for the four-year term;
6.7 The Darbazi shall be composed of the Chairperson of the Union and its two deputies, executive secretary of the Union, ten members of the Darbazi elected by the congress, and the Chairperson of the Darbazi of the Union’s youth organization. Heads of the territorial organizations, departments and services of the Union may attend Darbazi meetings with the right to vote;
6.8 The meetings of the Darbazi shall be chaired by the Chairperson of the Union or any member of the Darbazi under the Chairperson's instructions. Darbazi meetings shall be held at least once a month convened by the Chairperson of the Union. Any extraordinary meetings of the Darbazi shall be summoned by the Chairperson of the Union on his or her initiative or as requested by the Executive Secretary, one-third of the Darbazi members or heads of divisions and departments of the Union;
6.9 A meeting of the Darbazi shall be authorized if more than half of its members are present. The Darbazi shall take decisions with the majority of members attending the Darbazi meeting. In the event of equal votes, the Chairperson’s vote shall be decisive;
6.10 The following shall fall within the competence of the Darbazi:
6.10.1 To make decisions on statements, applications, on-going activities of the Union;
6.10.2 To decide on the formation of territorial organizations of the Union upon the recommendation of the Chairperson of the Union;
6.10.3 To approve the structure and statute of the Central Secretariat, the statutes of the Union’s services and departments, territorial organizations upon the recommendation of the Chairperson of the Union;
6.10.4 To make decisions on setting up separate divisions and departments of the Union;
6.10.5 To decide on the suspension and reorganization of territorial organizations of the Union upon the recommendation of the Chairperson of the Union;
6.10.6 To approve the budget of the Union, determine the membership fee and approve its payment rules;
6.10.7 To take decisions on forums, conventions and other meetings for the purpose of developing and adopting various documents on behalf of the Union;
6.10.8 To elect the Executive Secretary, if necessary, before the convocation of the nearest Congress;
6.10.9 The authority of a member of the Darbazi shall be terminated if the Congress of the Union elects a new Darbazi, terminates the membership of the Union, or in case of the resignation or death of a member;
6.10.10 The authority of the Darbazi shall terminate when the Congress elects a new Darbazi or reduces its composition to 7 (seven) members.
6.11 The day-to-day activities of the Union shall be managed by the Chairperson of the Union who shall be elected by the Congress for the term of 4 (four) years. The Chairperson of the Union, based on the program, Charter and other documents, shall:
6.11.1 manage the activities of the Darbazi and chair its meetings;
6.11.2 represent the Union in Georgia and overseas. The Chairperson shall be authorized to represent the party in general and in specific cases;
6.11.3 issue orders within the scope of its competence, dispose of the funds and property of the Union in accordance with the regulations and legislation of Georgia;
6.11.4 sign decisions rendered by the Congress and the Darbazi;
6.11.5 approve the results of conferences of territorial organizations and chairpersons elected by the conferences of the respective organizations, decide on their dismissal and inform the Darbazi thereupon;
6.11.6 make political statements and appeals on behalf of the Union, approve the staffing of the Central Secretariat at the request of the Executive Secretary of the Union;
6.11.7 appoint and dismiss the Secretaries of the Union;
6.11.8 delegate any portion of his / her powers to its deputies, if necessary;
6.11.9 The Chairperson of the Union shall have two deputies elected by the Congress of the Union upon the recommendation of the Chairperson. The Deputy Chairpersons of the Union shall carry out the duties specified by the Chairperson;
6.12 The Executive Secretary of the Union shall be elected by the Congress for the term of 4 (four) years. The Executive Secretary of the Union shall:
6.12.1 manage the organizational activities of the Union;
6.12.2 manage the Central Secretariat of the Union and coordinate the ongoing activities of other structures;
6.12.3 submit to the Chairperson any proposals for the appointment and dismissal of the secretaries of the Union;
6.12.4 subject to agreement with the Chairperson of the Union, submit to the Darbazi the budget of the Union for approval;
6.12.5 appoint and dismiss secretaries of territorial organizations upon the recommendation of territorial organizations;
6.12.6 organize the meetings of congresses, Darbazi, as well as enforce decisions rendered by the Congress, Darbazi and the Chairperson;
6.13 The Supervisory Committee of the Union shall be the controlling body of the Union elected by the Congress of the Union for the term of 4 (four) years composing of 7 (seven) members;
6.14 The Supervisory Committee shall elect the Chairperson, Deputies and Secretary of the Supervisory Committee from its members;
6.15 The Supervisory Committee shall be authorized if more than half of the Supervisory Committee members are present. The Supervisory Committee shall render decisions by a majority of its members present at the meeting. If the votes are evenly divided, the vote of the Chairperson shall be decisive;
6.16 The Supervisory Committee shall have the authority to audit financial and accounting documents of the Union, oversee the activities of the Union, control the registration of members of the Union and their rating points, control the registration of supporters of the Union, as well as exercise other powers specified by the Charter and decisions of the Union;
6.17 The Supervisory Committee shall submit a report on its activities to the Congress of the Union and the Darbazi once a year, and to the Chairperson of the Union on a monthly basis;
6.18 For the purpose of enforcing the decisions of the Union's governing bodies, the Central Secretariat of the Union shall provide organizational and technical services for the Union. It is the responsibility of the Central Secretariat of the Union to assist the Chairperson and governing bodies of the Union to exercise their powers provided for in the legislation of Georgia and this Charter.
Chapter VII.
Funds and property of the Union
7.1 The revenues of the Union shall be membership fees, donations received in the manner as provided for in the law, funds allocated by the state and other incomes not prohibited by Georgian legislation;
7.2 The Union shall not have the right to engage in any subsidiary entrepreneurial activities except as provided for by law;
7.3 The Union may have the immovable and movable property that can be disposed of only for the purposes determined by the Charter.
Chapter VIII.
Termination, reorganization, liquidation of the Union
8.1 The Union shall terminate its activities in the event of reorganization or liquidation, which may be implemented under a decision of the Congress and / or by a decision of the Constitutional Court in the cases as provided for in law;
8.2 The property remaining as a result of the liquidation shall be distributed by a winding-up committee in accordance with the legislation of Georgia.
Chapter IX.
9.1 Any amendments, changes and additions to the Charter may be introduced only by the Congress of the Union.